Project Chacocente Update

In June 2012, the most recent delegation from North Church visited Project Chacocente in Nicaragua, and donated ChacocenteBand1marching band instruments to the school there on behalf of the church.  Here is a recent newsletter article about the school band:

One of CCS administration’s priorities for 2012 was to provide more extracurricular opportunities for the student body.  Because students responded so well to participating in the state sporting competitions this year, the administration wanted to explore other avenues of after-school activites (one of them being music) in which the students could be involved.

Thanks to the generous donation by North Congregational United Church of Christ in Columbus, Ohio, CCS has formed a 34-member marching band comprised of both primary and secondary students.  Two CCS teachers, Luis Gutierrez and German Noguera, lead the band.

“Our band is important for two reasons,” says CCS Principal Ervin Ruiz.  ”Firstly, the band will enable our children to commemorate their country’s national holidays with joy and patriotism.  In the past, we have had to rent bands for our national holiday celebrations at school.  But now that we have a band, the children can provide the music.  Secondly, the band will help develop the students’ skills and abilities in music.”

Principal Ruiz went on to explain that they hope to get the band involved in various events, festivals, and parades put on by Nicaragua’s Ministry of Education each year.

We are so happy that the students can demonstrate their creativity and talent in this way, and look forward to hearing more about their involvement in the musical community.




