Adult Education: Rage at God

Sunday Mornings, February 4 – March 11,
9:15 – 10:00 am in the Sunshine Classroom
The Bible presents a personal God who intervenes in human lives and invites a human response.  Next to being loved, God seems to like being hated.  Any number of stories and psalms in Scripture attest to this.  Job laments, “Why is life given to those with no future, those God has surrounded with difficulties? I cannot eat for sighing; my groans pour out like water.”  Jonah storms at God for sparing Nineveh after sending him to that city to prophesy its impending destruction.  When God asks if he has reason to be angry, Jonah replies, “I have good reason to be angry, even to death.”  The psalmist asks, “How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?  How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?”  God seems able to abide any human response except indifference.
February 4 marks the start of a five-week exploration of rage at God.  I use the term “rage” instead of “anger” because when people are angry with God they are usually intensely angry.  We’ll examine this rage as depicted in film, poetry, and songs, as well as Scripture, and explore what it has to tell us spiritually.
This Adult Education series will be led by Mark Grimsley.  Child Care will be provided.




