Blue sky, clouds, dust coming up from road.

Remember That You Are Dust …

Remember that you are dust
and to dust you shall return.

These are words traditionally used to open the season of Lent. They are a reminder of our mortality and of our dependence upon God. It is God who created us, with love, from the stuff of the earth, and to the earth we will all one day return.

Lent is a season of stripping away, of getting in touch with what is truly essential. Many practice disciplines for these 40 days – fasting from some thing or activity, engaging in a new practice, being more intentional or present.

The purpose of these disciplines is not to punish the self. The purpose is to clear out what has been getting in the way of closer relationship with God. St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, would use language about becoming free from “disordered attachments.” A disordered attachment is something that keeps us from experiencing the love of God. It might be a relationship, or a physical possession, or holding on to an unhelpful thought or belief.

Like dust, we are easily kicked up and caught by the winds. Our letting go of unhelpful attachments makes it easier for not to be caught up in the latest whatnot. Our disciplines help us stay attached to God, grounded.

May you, in this season of Lent, be reminded of what is essential. May you become free of one more thing that keeps you from experiencing the love of God. May you become more grounded. May you know yourself loved by God’s unconditional love. Amen.




