earth day hands

Earth Week 2020 Activities for Kids & Families

We hope you will join us for our week-long virtual Earth Day Celebration from Monday, April 20 to Saturday April 25 with a Zoom Gathering on April 26. We will have outdoor activities each day for people aged 2-102, along with coloring pages for young and old and guides to caring for the Earth for teens and adults. As you go we would love you to take pictures, write in a journal, make a list or draw a picture about what you are doing. On Sunday, April 26, we will all join for a Zoom Gathering at 1 pm (it’s really easy) where everyone can share their experiences of being outside and the ways they have chosen the take care of the Earth.

Mon 4/20 – Take a walk in
your neighborhood

Tue 4/21 – What is growing
in your yard?

Wed 4/22 – What animals
do you see outside?

Thur 4/23 – What do you see blooming outside?

Fri 4/24 – What kinds of
insects do you see outside?

Sat 4/25 – Take a picture of
your favorite Earth Day

Sun 4/26 1 p.m. Celebrate
Earth Day via Zoom

Links to Resources:

Prayer for noon on Earth Day, this Tuesday, April 22

Other Earth Week prayers

Coloring pages

What Can We Do to Take Care of the Earth?

  1. Spread the Word: Tell everyone you now about the importance of taking care of our earth. Start
    conversations with all of your friends and family about the climate crisis.
  2. Get Involved!: I hope everyone will get involved by calling their lawmakers. You may want to wait until
    this has blown over.
  3. Transportation: Walk or bike whenever possible. Buy a hybrid or electric car. The cost of the electricity
    to run a Nissan Leaf is 1/3-1/4 the cost to buy gas to run a Nissan Maxima (this fact from AEP Ohio).
  4. Plant a tree! Plant 10 trees! Plant a tree in your yard or go to One Tree Planted online and pay a small
    fee to plant a tree anywhere in the world. Planting trees in the tropics is especially helpful.
  5. Foods you eat: Reduce beef and lamb consumption or better yet become a vegetarian or vegan.
    Adding 1 or 2 vegetarian or vegan meals every week can make a differeence! The more plant-based
    food you eat the better for our climate. See chart below.
  6. Electricity: Sign up for Ohio Wind energy through AEP Ohio or even put solar panels on your house.



