Today the sun is shining. The blue sky has a few wisps of cloud. The thermometer tells me temperature is warmer than yesterday at this time. The clock on the wall ticks, tocks. This reminds me of my grandma’s house. Which reminds me of the green carpet and of playing with my cousins. As I look out my window, I see the green grass appears white where the sun catches it at a certain angle. I notice the breeze moving the leaves, softly, gently. I hear a bird calling. I hear the refrigerator quietly humming. I feel the warmth of the blanket on my lap. I feel the smoothness of the keys on my laptop.
When I turn my attention inward, I notice a calm. This is a shift from where I have been for many weeks now. I feel gratitude as I notice the shift.
I notice.
I see. I hear. I feel. I perceive.
I have a friend who encourages me to notice. Notice the sun when it is out, or attempting to peer out from behind clouds. Notice how I feel about opportunities or decisions. Notice my reaction to new information, or being reminded of old information. Notice the compliment. Notice the grace and the gift. Pay attention, take it in.
Or, if you will, meditate. Practice awareness. Pray.
I wonder what you are noticing; what is in your awareness. I wonder what you are finding to meditate upon, how you are praying.
May you give yourself time this day to notice. May what you perceive unsettle what is out of place, and may joy and peace settle into your soul. Blessings,