Easter Prayer Vigil during April 2 - 4

Easter Prayer Vigil is Virtual This Year

Click Here to Sign Up!

The Easter Vigil is treasured as one of our many traditions at North Church. We are going to keep the tradition alive through an Online Vigil!

The Easter Vigil starts at 7 p.m. on Good Friday (April 2nd) and ends at 7 a.m. Easter morning (April 4th).

This year we are asking you to pick a time slot of one or more hours and sign up via SignUpGenius. By submitting your name and email you will be signed up and receive a reminder the day before your time slot.

Click Here to Sign Up!

If you have any questions please contact Sarah in the office (justnorthoffice@gmail.com) or Laura Degling who is heading the vigil this year.

Thanks and Happy Easter!



