BREAD Assembly Nov 15 2022

B.R.E.A.D. Assembly

Continuing the annual cycle of building relationships and power for justice, the BREAD Assembly will be Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 7 pm at Christ the King Catholic Church, 2777 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus. The meeting will be hybrid, both in person and on Zoom. Carpools will be arranged from the church for those wishing to attend in person.

Four Listening Sessions were held this fall to hear our responses to two questions: How has the pandemic disrupted your life? How has flooding, changing temperatures or mold affected you or someone you know personally? Additionally, BREAD wanted to hear our stories about the lack of affordable housing, gun violence, keeping children in school and out of the court system, and proper care and dignity for senior citizens. Stories have now been gathered from all 44 BREAD congregations. The Assembly meeting of congregations of many faiths working together for justice in Columbus will continue our work on these and other current issues. BREAD rises.



