
Godly Play in Sunday Journeys

It’s November, children at Just North are into their second month of Sunday Journeys and the wondering continues.

I wonder what is happening in the Wonder Room this month?

This month we have four Godly Play lessons: Jesus and the Tax Collectors, The Holy Bible, Exile and Return and Falling Apart . Dee, who coordinates the lessons and the volunteers, attempts to match the Godly Play lesson with Pastor Steve’s sermon. The founder of Godly Play, Dr. Jerome Berryman, has produced eight volumes with lessons that cover the parables, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. You can visit the Godly Play website to see the vast array of resources available to teachers and parents.

I wonder what a Godly Play lesson looks like?

To see how a Godly Play lesson is conducted, here is one entitled Ten Best Ways. It is a favorite among our youngest because it involves the sandbox. As you view the video what do you notice? 

· It is told in a calm voice

· It is interactive because of its use of props

· It ends with I wonder questions



