Put on gentleness.
Put on gentleness like a good pair of boots.
Wear the gentleness that is right for you. When it fits properly, it embraces and does not smother you, allowing space for you to find your natural balance.
Let gentleness be first for your own sake. Let it be a buffer against potential scrapes and bruises. When you accidentally step on something sharp, or when you have – again – bumped into your wounded places, let gentleness be there. When you have walked again into embarrassment or self-judgement, let gentleness keep you a bit warmer and a bit drier.
Put on gentleness.
Make ready to move about in the world.
Maybe your gentleness is quiet. Maybe your neighbor’s is audible, and you can hear the “click, clack” of their gentleness as they approach. And you smile, and sigh, and relax a bit because of the love headed your way.
Sometimes a particular gentleness needs to be worn in before it feels comfortable. And you can wonder whether it is a good fit or will be worth this current discomfort. And when you choose to continue with that gentleness, you may find it to be sturdy and dependable in the end.
Gentleness itself can get scuffed and worn and dirty. Depending on how well it is constructed and cared for, it can wear out sooner, or later, and will need to be renewed with new aspects or replaced completely to carry you through the next leg of your journey.
Put on gentleness.
May you travel throughout your day in gentleness. May you extend this kindness first to yourself, for you are the one with whom you spend the most time. May you extend this kindness to your neighbor, for the world is already harsh enough. Amen.