Stand up and Say No to Domestic Violence

It’s an unsettling statistic…1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. In Franklin
County, police responded to more than 9,200 domestic violence related calls in 2014. This issue is clear.
We have to raise awareness and make the statement that any violence in an intimate partner
relationship is not ok.
The Clothesline Project is a program started on Cape Cod, MA in 1990 to address the issue of violence
against women. It is a vehicle for anyone affected by domestic violence to express their emotions by
decorating a shirt. They then hang the shirt on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the
problem of domestic abuse.
During the Month of October, t-shirts that tell the stories of domestic violence survivors will be hung around Columbus, bringing awareness to the critical issue of domestic violence in our community. Take a picture when you see one of the shirts, and post it to your social media accounts with the hashtag #CbusSaysNotoDV .
The staff at CHOICES here in Columbus uses the Clothesline Project model in the shelter and at
support groups as a learning and healing tool for survivors. During Domestic Violence Awareness
Month in October, these shirts will become a powerful visual tool to bring awareness of the issue to
the community and offer ways to help. This will happen through customizable art installations,
fundraising and social media campaigns.
Your help is needed.
You can stand up and say NO to domestic violence by committing to use
your voice during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This toolkit will get you started with ideas.
Whichever path you take, don’t forget to document your efforts on social media and use the hashtag
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, call the hotline at 614-224-4663. Lives are on the line.