Author: @JustNorth

  • Summer Book Club for Grades 3 – 7

    Book club for this summer for grades 3-7 will meet on June 17, July 15, and August 5. The book selected by Dee Fuerst and Susan Yutzey is The Wolf Keepers by Elise Broach. Parents will be notified by e-mail within the week.

  • Late notice: Parents’ Night Out and Family Board Game Night

    Bring your kids, parents, friends and games! We will provide games and light snacks. For Parents’ Night Out, leave your kids with Sunday School teachers at 6:30, and pick them up by 8:30. They will have entertainment and light snacks while you’re out. Free, and open to all!

  • Family Game Night & Parents’ Night Out Friday April 27th  6:30pm

    Family Game Night & Parents’ Night Out Friday April 27th  6:30pm

    Bring your kids, parents, friends and games! We will provide games and light snacks. For Parents’ Night Out, leave your kids with Sunday School teachers at 6:30, and pick them up by 8:30. They will have entertainment and light snacks while you’re out. Free, and open to all!

  • North Church Men’s Retreat

    Saturday and Sunday May 5-6Join us for fellowship, spirituality, and some light exposure to nature! TheNorth Men will be helping to prepare the summer camp campus for 2017.

  • Spring Wednesday Evening Book Study: Interrupting Silence

    Wednesday April 11th 7:00pm WEBS Studying Interrupting Silence: God’s Command to Speak Out by Walter Bruggeman

  • Parents’ Night Out and Family Game Night

    Parents’ Night Out and Family Game Night

    Come out and play for our inter-generational family board games night, or take a couple hours for couplehood with pure parents night out! Free Family Board Games Night 6:30pm Friday April 27th. Bring a game to share our play ours with us. Light snacks will be served. Free Parents’ Night Out 6:30pm -8:30pm Friday April…

  • Clay Crafting Spirituality Group

    Clay Crafting Spirituality Group

    Monday April 9th, 6:30pm

  • More Love Cabaret and Bake Sale

    More Love Cabaret and Bake Sale

    2040 W. Henderson Rd, Columbus 43220 Saturday April 28th, 7pm Proceeds benefit the music ministry and South Side Food Pantry

  • Lenten Testimony

    How has my faith informed my resilience? You know how sometimes you have to start with what something is not to get at what it is? In order for me to tell you about my faith, I need to start by talking about my doubt. The Rev. Martin Copenhaver once wrote: “Some of us live…

  • Easter at North Church

    Easter at North Church

    Here’s the schedule for our annual Easter celebrations, please join us! Sunday, March 25 10:30am: Palm Sunday Family Service Thursday March 29 6:30pm: Maundy Thursday Service Friday March 30: Good Friday Service Sunday April 1: Easter Sunday Worship Services at 7:00 / 8:15 / 10:30 a m – 9:00amEaster Breakfast – 10:00am Easter Egg Hunt

  • Family Board Games and Parents’ Night Out — Friday March 23rd 6:30pm

    Family Board Games and Parents’ Night Out — Friday March 23rd 6:30pm

    Join us Friday at 6:30 to exercise your brain, or just come for the fun of it! Light snacks will be served, and we’d love to learn your favorite board game, so bring it along! If you’d prefer to have your kids play games instead, they will love being entertained by members of our highly…

  • BREAD Nehemiah Action May 7

    BREAD Nehemiah Action May 7

    Nehemiah Action Monday, May 7th, at 7:00 p.m. Celeste Center on the Ohio State Fairgrounds 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211 Registration begins at 6:15 p.m. Join thousands of community members as we fight for solutions to serious community problems that our members voted on.

  • BREAD Rally April 9

    BREAD Rally April 9

    Join us at the Rally on Monday, April 9th, at 7:00 p.m. at Congregation Tifereth Israel 1354 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43205 Meet at North Church at 6p for carpool. We’ll go over our game plan for the Nehemiah Action, hear updates from our research committees, hear testimonies from BREAD leaders, and you’ll get…

  • “Here Comes the Sun: Women of Jesus’s Ministry Maundy Thursday Service March 29

    “Here Comes the Sun: Women of Jesus’s Ministry Maundy Thursday Service March 29

    “Here Comes the Sun: Women of Jesus’s Ministry” Maundy Thursday Service Sunday, March 29 6:30 PM Women played an important role in the earliest days of Christianity. The Jesus of the Bible spoke directly to women and refused to treat them differently from men. The gospels portray them as disciples during Jesus’ ministry, and the…

  • Lenten Fasting

    This lenten season, some at North are fasting. It is not too late for you to join with us to explore this ancient spiritual disciple that offers endless possibilities to connect with God. Below is a fast fact sheet for your consideration. Fasting Fast Facts This fasting is not: A way to begin a new…

  • B.R.E.A.D. Potluck  and Kitchen Dedication

    B.R.E.A.D. Potluck and Kitchen Dedication

    Sunday, March 4, following the 10:30 worship service, the congregation gathered briefly in our new North Church kitchen to dedicate it to the service of God and community. Laura Gaines, our moderator, shared few comments, and then, Linda Lee Kennedy taught us a song that she had written for this occasion. Next, we moved into…

  • B.R.E.A.D. Sunday Potluck and Meeting

    B.R.E.A.D. Sunday Potluck and Meeting

    Sunday, March 4, 12:00 pm Fellowship Hall First, we will briefly gather in our new kitchen to celebrate and to dedicate it to the service of God and community. I understand that we may even learn a new song being written for this occasion! Next, we will move into Fellowship Hall for North’s “third sacrament”…

  • Adult Ed Class A Different Way: Living Simply in a Complex World

    Adult Ed Class A Different Way: Living Simply in a Complex World

    Begins March 18th 9:00 am Signup sheet for A Different Way: Living Simply in a Complex World will be out starting this Sunday. Please sign up by March 4 if possible, so Ellen can order the books, and hand them out on March 11. That way you can read the first chapter before the first…

  • Forks Over Knives Vegetarian Lunch and Movie

    Forks Over Knives Vegetarian Lunch and Movie

    Sunday March 11th 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Fellowship Hall We have a special program planned for you! Meeting in Fellowship Hall where we will eat a vegetarian lunch, we’ll be showing a documentary, “Forks Over Knives” which shares the results of The China Study. It compares the health of people living in China, eating…

  • One Great Hour of Sharing  2018

    One Great Hour of Sharing 2018

    Sunday March 11 special offering OGHS is one of four Special Mission Offerings that we give to each year. As part of Our Churches Wider Mission, OGHS is the offering of the United Church of Christ denomination that carries God’s message of love and hope to people in crisis. The UCC works with international partners…

  • March Faith and Film Night: Shadowlands

    March Faith and Film Night: Shadowlands

    Rainbow Room Friday, March 9, at 7:00 pm C.S. Lewis was a well-known author of children’s stories, most famously The Chronicles of Narnia; and Christian apologetics, most famously Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. But he also wrote The Problem of Pain, an earnest, intelligent, but somewhat pat effort to explain the age-old question of…

  • Fasting Discussion

    On Sunday, February 25 after worship there will be a gathering in the Chapel to talk about fasting at North. We hope to begin a community fast the next weekend, March 3 – 4 and then gather on Monday evening March 5 to break the fast in community with a meal. Fasting, the abstention from…

  • GEN SILENT Conference Giving Voice to LGBTQ Older Adults

    GEN SILENT Conference Giving Voice to LGBTQ Older Adults

    Giving Voice to LGBTQ Older Adults One-Day Symposium Saturday, April 14th 9 am – 4 pm   Remember CALLED TO BE? Many blessings came from that outreach event. Our faith values, once again, call us to do justice, this time in support of our GLTBQ senior brothers and sisters. LGBTQ seniors are dying prematurely and…

  • Ash Wednesday Service

    Ash Wednesday Service

        Ash Wednesday Worship Service     February 14, 2018, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Our Lenten “Journey with Jesus” – and with one another – begins this coming week.  We will gather together as a worshiping community for a simple service of Scripture, song, silence and prayer.  Our Ash Wednesday service will include the imposition of ashes as well as Holy Communion.  Child…

  • Adult Education: Rage at God

    Adult Education: Rage at God

    Sunday Mornings, February 4 – March 11, 9:15 – 10:00 am in the Sunshine Classroom The Bible presents a personal God who intervenes in human lives and invites a human response.  Next to being loved, God seems to like being hated.  Any number of stories and psalms in Scripture attest to this.  Job laments, “Why is life given…

  • Adult Education Class on Godly Play

    What is GodlyPlay? The Godly Play approach helps children to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles serves children of all ages. Dee shared her storytelling skills with us at the All Church Family Reunion – adults, youth, and…

  • Wednesday Evening Book Study

    Wednesday Evening Book Study resumes at 7pm on the 17th with the Book of Joy

  • Nicaragua Mission Trip 2018 Fiesta Dinner

    It’s my pleasure to announce the Sixth Biennial North Church Fiesta Dinner on Saturday, February 3, 6:00 to 8:00 PM! Hold onto your seats. Don’t jump up to run to the phone to make your reservations just yet. There’s plenty of time to sign up and get in on all the fun. Let me fill…

  • No Family Game Night nor Parents’ Night Out

    We are cancelling Family Game Night and Parents’ Night Out for the fourth Friday of December because of the coincidence with the Christmas holiday. We will resume on the fourth Friday of January.

  • Christmas 2017

    December 24th No 8:15am worship, only 10:30am 7:00pm Christmas Eve Family Service 10:30pm Pre-Service Music 11:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 25th Office closed for Christmas