Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • PumpkinSale


    The North Church Pumpkin Sale has begun, and will continue on the front lawn until Halloween. Half of the pumpkin sale proceeds will go to support children’s summer camps at Pilgrim Hills, and half support the church’s general operations. We have a range of pumpkins, from tiny tangerine-sized gourds at 50 cents each, to pumpkins that would…

  • Mary Magdalene Celebration 2015

    Mary Magdalene Celebration 2015

    An Invitation to LOVE.  A contemplative celebration of the Divine Feminine. Saturday July 25th Prelude Music at 4:30 Service begins at 5:00 Feast following at 6:00 Suggested offering: $10.00 RSVP to skinzer@midohio.twcbc.com

  • Chili Cookoff

    Chili Cookoff

    The chefs carried the day at the Cinco de Mayo chili cookoff yesterday.  The pinata was a hit!

  • Wednesday Evening Book Study

    Wednesday Evening Book Study

    The Wednesday Evening Book Study group resumed meeting April 22, 2015, with the book The Faith Club: A Muslim, a Christian, a Jew–Three Women Search for Understanding, by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner. “The Faith Club is a memoir of spiritual reflections in three voices that will make readers feel as if they are eavesdropping…

  • April 2 Maundy Thursday Supper and Service

    April 2 Maundy Thursday Supper and Service

    “WERE YOU THERE” MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE MENU Seating begins at 6:30 pm, Supper served at 6:45 pm Come and sit at the SEDER TABLE and share a special supper with your family and friends at North Church. After the supper, you will hear stories and songs from individuals whose lives were touched and forever changed by…

  • May 10 Time and Talent Meeting

    May 10 Time and Talent Meeting

    Everything we have is a gift from God, and those gifts are to be used in service to God and others. We all have our interests in life. Things we love doing, things we love to share, things we must do. The Church Community family relies on one another to tend to the ministry of…

  • Cinco de Mayo

    Cinco de Mayo

    Cinco de Mayo Celebration and Chili Cook-Off Save the Date! Sunday, May 3rd , at 4:30 pm Join your North Church family and our neighbors for a slightly early celebration of Cinco de Mayo. The Board of Evangelism is hosting this event as a new way to reach out to our neighbors. Come join us…

  • B.R.E.A.D. Activities

    B.R.E.A.D. Activities

    North Church joined B.R.E.A.D. at the Nehemiah Action meeting this spring, and engaged local authorities on the issues of mental health services, community-police integration, and identification for undocumented immigrants. Coming up:  CELEBRATION, June 22nd @ 7:00 pm, Location: TBA As a founding member of B.R.E.A.D. (Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity), North Church participates in B.R.E.A.D. research and…

  • Easter 2015 Events

    Easter 2015 Events

    Palm Sunday Service March 29 at 10:30am Maundy Thursday Supper and Service April 2 at 6:45pm Good Friday Service April 3 at 7pm Easter Sunday Services April 5 at 7am,  8:15am,  10:30am Easter breakfast 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall with egg bakes, breads, and fruit salad.  Bring family and friends! Easter egg hunt 9:45am for children (preschool age through…

  • Summer Camps 2015

    Summer Camps 2015

    As the winter winds are blowing and spring can’t be too far away, it is time to start thinking about summer activities and putting them on your calendars.  There are many camp offerings this year, some the same and some new.  Camps are available for the young and for the old (young at heart).  All…

  • Seeing_Systems


    Adult Education Offering Sundays January 18 to March 1, 2015, 9:15 am Seeing Systems: Peace, Justice and Sustainability How does one mold such complex principles as peace, justice and sustainability into a coherent story? The difficulty reflects the media’s broader struggle to convey how these themes are mutually linked. Seeing Systems: Peace, Justice and Sustainability connects the…

  • Postcards from the Family Reunion Retreat

    Postcards from the Family Reunion Retreat

    November 2014

  • Church Core Values Banners

    Church Core Values Banners

    North Church recently celebrated the hanging of our banners in the Fellowship Hall.  Thanks to Tom (shown) for bringing such a beautiful image of our core values and vision to life.

  • November 27 Thanksgiving Dinner at North Church

    November 27 Thanksgiving Dinner at North Church

    We have so much to be thankful for in our lives. At Thanksgiving we have that opportunity to reflect on those things in our lives that we truly are thankful for – the people and experiences that we are thankful for. All are invited this November 27th, Thanksgiving Day, to North Church at 12:00 noon for…

  • Throat Culture in Concert for the Southside Food Pantry

    Throat Culture in Concert for the Southside Food Pantry

    Saturday, November 15, 2014, from 7:00pm – 9:00 pm. Throat Culture, the a capella group who has been singing at the Food Pantry’s benefit concert, headlined this year’s event at St. Paul UCC in Merion Village.  There was one other group performing, Toering.  They are an up & coming duo of two young women on acoustic guitars.

  • CROP Walk October 12

    CROP Walk October 12

    CROP Walk raised funds for grassroots, hunger-fighting development efforts around the world through the Church World Service on Sunday, October 12, 2014.  Check out the CROP Walk website for more information.

  • Wednesday Evening Book Study

    Wednesday Evening Book Study

    WEBS Resumes September 17th In the midst of dramatic changes in Western Christianity, internationally respected spiritual     leader, peacemaker and scholar John Philip Newell offers the hope of a fresh stirring of the Spirit among us. He invites us to be part of a new holy birth of sacred living. Speaking directly to the heart of…

  • Pancake Breakfast

    Pancake Breakfast

    Benefit for the SSCM Pantry for Pet Food On Sunday, September 28th there will be a pancake breakfast in Fellowship Hall to raise funds for the purchase of pet food donations for the SSCM Pantry. The cost is $1.00 per person for all the pancakes you wish to eat.  Fellowship Hall doors will open at…

  • Steve Baxter’s Ordination

    Steve Baxter’s Ordination

    Steve will be ordained at North Church on Saturday, September 20th at 3:00 pm. The Deacons will provide a dinner at North following the ordination.

  • Mary Magdalene in France Class

    Mary Magdalene in France Class

    “Mary Magdalene in France” –  Sunday Evening Class 7:00 – 8:30 pm from September 14 to November 16th The New Testament is silent about what happened to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection. Come discover legends about her life and those around her.  If you would like to explore Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection, please join us on…

  • Sunday School and Choir Practices Resume

    Sunday School and Choir Practices Resume

    In September  we’ll return to the routine of Sunday school during the 10:30 service and starting Thursday the 4th, Bell Choir will rehearse Thursdays at 6:15 pm and Chancel Choir at 7:30pm.

  • Johnny Steiner Concert

    Johnny Steiner Concert

    Songs of Nat King Cole Sunday, August 10th, 2pm, Cowan Hall, Otterbein University Admission $15, general admission, doors open at 1pm www.johnnysteiner.com Please join us to enjoy an unforgettable experience with our Minister of Music.

  • Ice Cream Social

    Ice Cream Social

    Sunday, August 17th 4pm – 6pm Come and enjoy yummy treats and fellowship at the annual Ice Cream Social, where we welcome all of our neighbors! Free school supplies and games for the kids, Drawings for prizes, and ice cream for all!

  • Saturday, July 19th: 8th Annual Mary Magdalene Celebration

    Saturday, July 19th: 8th Annual Mary Magdalene Celebration

    MARY MAGDALENE CELEBRATION SATURDAY, JULY 19 5:00 PM CELEBRATION, FEAST IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWINGThe 8th Mary Magdalene Celebration is here! Please make your reservations with Susan Kinzer now(614.451.1835 or skinzer@midohio.twcbc.com). Tell Susan if you will need child care. Suggested donation is $10.00 to cover cost of Celebration and the Feast. On the night of the Celebration as you enter the Narthex, a…

  • Music Ministry Sunday

    Music Ministry Sunday

    June 8, 2014 at the 10:30am service Come and enjoy all of our music ministries at once: Chancel Choir North Ringers bell choir North Band instrumental music “When in our music God is Glorified”

  • Strengthen the Church

    Strengthen the Church

    What vision does God have for our church? What does God dream for the many people who are still seeking and yearning for a little love, a little hope, and a reassuring word; people who have not heard the Pentecost message of the unconditional love of our still-speaking God? Each year, we receive a special…

  • Harmony Project

    Harmony Project

    Two of our fellow North Church members sing with the Harmony Project in Columbus. Harmony Project’s mission is bring diverse communities of Columbus together for the greater good. To listen, to serve, and to share. To work and grow together in Harmony. Individually and collectively make Columbus a better place for you and me. To…

  • Sing Along! Saturday, May 24

    Sing Along! Saturday, May 24

    F O L K M U S I C S I N G – A L O N G Together, we’ll sing songs we recall from summer camp, church retreats, and backyard bonfires. Folk musicians Bill Cohen and Carl Yaffey will lead us in: If I Had a Hammer Puff the Magic Dragon Kum Ba Ya This Land…

  • Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) Brunch

    Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) Brunch

    Tuesday March 4, 11:00am – 1:00pm If you are in the neighborhood and of North Church on Fat Tuesday, stop by and you will be welcomed with a delicious meal of pancakes, coffee and juice, all for the amazing price of $1.00! Please join our pancake chefs and their helpers for a delightful meal to…

  • Tables of 8

    Tables of 8

    Imagine a table with 8 empty chairs.  One of the chairs has your name on it… Daniel interviewed Jo Anne to help us learn a little about Tables of 8: Daniel What is Tables of 8? Jo Anne Tables of 8 is a group of 8 members and friends at North Church who get a…

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