Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
March Faith and Film Night: Shadowlands
Rainbow Room Friday, March 9, at 7:00 pm C.S. Lewis was a well-known author of children’s stories, most famously The Chronicles of Narnia; and Christian apologetics, most famously Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. But he also wrote The Problem of Pain, an earnest, intelligent, but somewhat pat effort to explain the age-old question of…
Fasting Discussion
On Sunday, February 25 after worship there will be a gathering in the Chapel to talk about fasting at North. We hope to begin a community fast the next weekend, March 3 – 4 and then gather on Monday evening March 5 to break the fast in community with a meal. Fasting, the abstention from…
GEN SILENT Conference Giving Voice to LGBTQ Older Adults
Giving Voice to LGBTQ Older Adults One-Day Symposium Saturday, April 14th 9 am – 4 pm Remember CALLED TO BE? Many blessings came from that outreach event. Our faith values, once again, call us to do justice, this time in support of our GLTBQ senior brothers and sisters. LGBTQ seniors are dying prematurely and…
Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday Worship Service February 14, 2018, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Our Lenten “Journey with Jesus” – and with one another – begins this coming week. We will gather together as a worshiping community for a simple service of Scripture, song, silence and prayer. Our Ash Wednesday service will include the imposition of ashes as well as Holy Communion. Child…
Adult Education: Rage at God
Sunday Mornings, February 4 – March 11, 9:15 – 10:00 am in the Sunshine Classroom The Bible presents a personal God who intervenes in human lives and invites a human response. Next to being loved, God seems to like being hated. Any number of stories and psalms in Scripture attest to this. Job laments, “Why is life given…
Adult Education Class on Godly Play
What is GodlyPlay? The Godly Play approach helps children to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles serves children of all ages. Dee shared her storytelling skills with us at the All Church Family Reunion – adults, youth, and…
Wednesday Evening Book Study
Wednesday Evening Book Study resumes at 7pm on the 17th with the Book of Joy
Nicaragua Mission Trip 2018 Fiesta Dinner
It’s my pleasure to announce the Sixth Biennial North Church Fiesta Dinner on Saturday, February 3, 6:00 to 8:00 PM! Hold onto your seats. Don’t jump up to run to the phone to make your reservations just yet. There’s plenty of time to sign up and get in on all the fun. Let me fill…
No Family Game Night nor Parents’ Night Out
We are cancelling Family Game Night and Parents’ Night Out for the fourth Friday of December because of the coincidence with the Christmas holiday. We will resume on the fourth Friday of January.
Christmas 2017
December 24th No 8:15am worship, only 10:30am 7:00pm Christmas Eve Family Service 10:30pm Pre-Service Music 11:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 25th Office closed for Christmas
Consecration Sunday
The altar is dressed up as The Table of Abundance for Consecration Sunday, when we recognize and celebrate the gifts shared by our members. It’s a harvest festival for the fruits of our labors.
Bill Cohen’s Concert Celebrating Our True Blessings
An alternative to the Black Friday Buying Frenzy! Friends. Freedom. Food. Music. Jobs. Parents. Children. Laughter. Emotions. And dozens of other things. We all have so much to be thankful for — everyday, not just Thanksgiving Day. So join me as I sing a unique concert of songs that express gratitude for all that we have.…
We the People Are Greater Than Fear Forum
Join us December 3rd to hear attorney Jennifer Nimer, Executive Director CAIR-Columbus, describe how Islamophobia affects Muslims’ day to day life — through workplace discrimination, hate crimes, and through the challenges that immigrants and refugees face in Central Ohio. The struggles faced by the Muslim Community in Columbus will be lifted up in the first-hand stories of recent immigrants receiving…
No One Alone for the Holidays Thanksgiving Dinner at St. John’s Church
Nov. 23rd 12:00 PM This meal was designed for those who would otherwise have nowhere to enjoy Thanksgiving. THIS MEAL IS FREE TO ALL WHO JOIN US. ST. JOHN’S UCC 59 E. Mound St. Columbus, Ohio 43215 Parking is available in the parking garage on E. Mound St. south of High St. North Church ONA Outreach…
City Sidewalks Show at Vaud-Villities Features North Church Choir Members
A one act Holiday Revue directed by Johnny Steiner, CITY SIDEWALKS is full of Holiday favorites, some with a twist. Do you like dancing?…do we have dancing…hip hop, ballroom, clogging, and the ever popular Reindeer kick-line. This is a great way to spend a December afternoon or evening. We hope to see you there. Show times…
Messiah Sing-A-Long
ProMusica Chamber Orchestra invites us to join them for the annual Messiah Sing-A-Long on Friday, December 8, 2017 at 7:30 PM. Community choirs are invited to join forces to sing Handel’s Messiah in the historic Southern Theatre. Participants will sing the chorus sections together. No arias, just choruses. No extra rehearsals necessary!
November 5 Adult Education “Breaking the Cycle of Stress and Fear”
Laura Grace Holtsberry begins a four-week course that employs a spiritual lens by which to examine the challenge of having effective conversations on difficult subjects. The first session lays the foundation for the course, and focuses on loving God and loving one another. The second explores how to stop assuming what others are thinking and…
November 10 Faith and Film Night: Arrival
November Faith and Film Night: Arrival By Mark Grimsley In most science fiction films, the audience knows what it means when extra-terrestrials arrive on Earth. It means trouble. Big trouble. And that’s exactly the fear of most governments when twelve gigantic, lozenge-shaped space ships appear in locations all over the globe. What do the beings…
Game Night and Parents’ Night Out
Friday, Oct 27th at 6:30pm in the narthex at 2040 Henderson Rd, Columbus, 43220 North Church Inter-Generational Family Game Night Bring your kids, your parents, your friends and your games and come play! We will provide games and light snacks. Parents, make game night your night out! Enjoy a Friday evening out while qualified Sunday school teachers entertain…
Faith and Film Night: Loving
Faith and Film Night last Friday viewed “Loving.” The film tells the story of Richard and Mildred Loving, the couple behind the landmark Supreme Court case that struck down laws against interracial marriage. Loving was shown with a Video Descriptive Service audio track available for those who may need it, and there was a group discussion…
Try Williams Ordination
Congratulations to Terry, our former student pastor, on his ordination! Terry has been serving as a licensed pastor at Orchard Hill United Church of Christ in Chillicothe for the past several years.
Adult Ed: The Masks of God
Adult Education Class Sundays at 9:15 a.m. “The Masks of God: How Four Great Religions See the Divine” On September 24, Mark Grimsley and Janet Lohr begin a five-week comparative exploration of four of the world’s great spiritual systems: Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. (The term “spiritual system” reflects a recognition that Buddhism fits neither…
A Prayer From the Children of North Church
Today is BREAD Sunday at North Church, so our children computers this prayer during the children’s time portion of our worship. They talked about how BREAD helps our community, and how we can support BREAD. This is their prayer: Dear God, Help us build a community where all people feel welcomed, where we listen to…
Family Board Games Night and Parents’ Night Out
We had a lovely evening Friday playing Scrabble with members and visitors, while some of our kids played ball with the neighbors’ children in the parking lot. Games Night / Parents’ Night Out happens on the fourth Friday. Stay and play, or drop your kids off for a while with our Sunday school teachers for…
Pumpkin Sale
Pumpkins will be arriving the first week of October to fill the North Church pumpkin patch! Bring the kids, and pick out a great pumpkin for carving. Hours: Sunday through Friday 11:30 – 7:30 Saturday 10:00 – 7:30
Harmony Project Concert
Concert for Us Thursday, December 7 at 7:30 pm Nationwide Arena Tickets: $25 and $50, special needs seating available All the Harmony Project choirs, 1000 voices in total, will perform. Harmony Project has been holding concerts twice a year since 2009. They began at the Lincoln Theater, then moved to the Southern, then to the…
Parents’ Night Out
Friday August 25th, 6:30pm Drop your kids after they’ve eaten, we’ll entertain them for a couple of hours with light snacks and board games during Family Games Night at no cost. Our Sunday school teachers will ensure your kids enjoy the time as much as you do!
Let Your Light Shine Tuesdays
We’re facing not-so ordinary times–international and national, statewide and local, political news, fake news, personal views, perceived and real threats, challenges to our way of life, our security, our welfare and future. Some of us need to talk about it all. We’ll resume on September 19th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Bring something to eat, and…
Wednesday Evening Book Study starts September 20
The Wednesday Evening Book Study (WEBS) will resume Sept. 20th. WEBS meets Wednesdays at 7:00pm, and this session we’ll read together Beyond the Comma | Life at the Intersection. Pastor Eric can order you a book for $16 by August 15th, or you can order it online for yourself at this link. Please let Pastor Erick know…
Bible Study Fridays 11am
A new Bible study group will be meeting to read Genesis | LISTEN UP! Bible Study series (Copeland, Layzer, and Rardin) together on Friday mornings beginning September 15th from 11:00am to 12:15pm. The book covers chapters 1-11 of Genesis, with other books to follow. Pre-order a book by asking Pastor Eric before August 15th. The book cost…
Got any book recommendations?